Today let's try to know what is podcast, how to do (Podcast) and all the information about podcast.

There are many people these days who prefer listening to podcasts rather than reading or watching videos.

Yes, there are good reasons behind it. Because if you want to listen to a podcast, you can listen to it during your work or at any time.

What is a podcast?

And the best part is, creating a podcast allows you to get your point across to your audience.

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And as a result, a better relationship can be created between you and the audience listening to your podcast.

Now there are many big platforms all over the world, where people share their podcasts with listeners. And now the demand for podcast is constantly increasing.

So, what does podcast mean? Your knowledge on how to create a podcast is extremely useful.

But let's know this information about the podcast completely.

What is a podcast? What is podcast in bangla

Simply put, Podcast means content created in the form of Audio.

When you go to YouTube and watch a video, the content is called video content.

Similarly, the article you are reading on our website about podcasts is Text from, which means it is text content.

Well, we explain it in a simpler way.

Podcast means it is a type of audio series or show, which is promoted to the audience using various platforms online.

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Which can be listened to by mobile, tablet, computer etc. devices at any time.

And to create a Podcast, its content is kept in the form of audio.

That is, podcast means "an audio file of recording" or a digital audio file.

The word podcast is a combination of two different words. The term Pod comes from the popular Apple product “Ipod”. And Cast comes from Broadcasting.

And the term podcast was first used in 2004 by a British technologist (Ben Hammersy) in an article in the Guardian newspaper.

How to start podcasting?

As we know above, a podcast is a recorded audio file.

However, a platform must be used to share or upload this recorded audio file with everyone on the Internet.

Only then will listeners hear the podcast you create.

You can create a website and upload your own podcasts.

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However, it can take a long time to make your podcast popular.

For this reason, you can share your own podcasts using some of the popular online podcasting platforms.

As a result, it may gain popularity in a very short period of time.

List of some of the best online podcasting platforms currently available,

The online podcasting platforms that we will talk about here are completely free to use.

And you can distribute/share/ or upload your own digital audio files.

First of all, you can easily share podcasts by creating your own wordpress website.

As a result, the ranking of the podcasts in the local language you are creating will increase a lot.

And, in our opinion, the best and most popular medium for podcasting for free is the “Google podcasts” platform created by Google.

Because there are a large number of listeners, you can easily present your recorded podcasts to everyone.

What does it take to create a podcast?

Let's now go into detail about what it takes to create a professional-quality podcast.

A podcast is a digital audio file that you record. That is, the main content of the podcast is the audio file.

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So you need to be very professional in recording this audio file and judging its quality.


Speak beautifully and clearly.

Maintain recorded audio quality.

Keeping the background noise fixed,

And adding some “cachy sound” to recorded audio files.

Now the question is, what exactly do you need to do to create a great podcast?

We repeat here, since podcast is a recorded digital audio file, you will need some things related to voice recording.

For example,

A good quality voice recorder.

A good quality Mic (microphone).

and a device for editing recorded audio.

By these basic things you can create a good quality podcast in the beginning.

  • But of course remember,

Creating a great podcast and making the podcast popular is nothing compared to good audio quality.

Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the meaning of audio in creating a podcast.

☝What topics will you make a podcast about?

Before creating a podcast you must understand what kind of audience you are creating the podcast for.

And how much listeners will receive the podcast you're currently creating on the topic you're doing.

Because, the podcasts you create can only become popular if more listeners like to listen and say good things.

At the same time, you have to decide for yourself which topics you have more knowledge or experience in.

Or you have a lot of interest on a subject.

That is, you podcast about a topic where you can help the audience with a wealth of information, knowledge, and experience.

Some Popular Topics to Start a Podcast

  • Technology (Technology).
  • Documentary.
  • Mystery (Mystery).
  • Love Story (Love Story).
  • entertainment (entertainment).
  • Internet tips (Internet tips).
  • Health.
  • Motivational story (motivational).
  • etc., there are many other topics that can be started by Jegula.

What is the future of podcasts?

We said at the very beginning that the demand for podcasts is growing steadily these days. Because there are many people who like to watch videos and then learn something from them.

There are many people who prefer to read the text and gain knowledge through it.

In the same way, nowadays many people consider it as one of the best means of gaining knowledge through intensive listening on many subjects.

Because, through Eti, the audience can connect directly with you and pay special attention to everything you say.

Now, if one has to answer what the future holds for podcasts.

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However, the future of Podcast is very bright. And it can be earned.

And maybe in some time, the trend of listening to this podcast will grow even more among us.

What are the benefits of podcasts?

Of course, there are certain benefits of podcasting, which is why podcasts have become so popular today.

How? Let us try to understand in some detail.

Create your own identity or brand

When you distribute/share your podcasts on different platforms. And when it starts gaining popularity.

And the podcasts you share will be loved and listened to over and over again. Then naturally your name or your brand name will start gaining popularity.

And subsequently people will like the podcasts you create more and more.

Through these processes you can create an identity or create a brand.

Make money with podcasts

Yes, podcasting can be a great way to make money in addition to gaining popularity. However, it must be remembered that the earning process by podcasting is quite complicated.

Because, to earn you need to gain popularity. At the same time, there should be a large audience.

Below we discuss some of the best ways to make money from podcasting.

Monthly subscription model


Direct promotion

Let us try to know in a little more detail.

Monthly subscription model – In this process you need to have a large audience to make money with podcasts. And self-created podcasts must be published as paid.

Sponsorship – A lot of income can be made by creating podcasts using this medium. But must remember. You need to have a lot of audience or listeners to earn from sponsorship by podcasting. Only then you can earn by Sponsorship.

Direct promotion – through this process you can earn by promoting various websites/apps/business/blog etc directly through your podcast. But in this case, you definitely want more listeners or audience.

The bottom line

From the full article we learned that what is a podcast? Or the details about what podcast means (What Is Podcast In Bangla).

And, about why to podcast and what are the benefits of podcasting.

We have tried throughout the article to discuss in detail all the topics related to podcasts and present complete information to you in an easy way.

Hopefully, you got a good idea of what this podcast is all about.

And if you have any other question or opinion about the podcast, you can comment it below.

And don't forget to share this podcast article on your social media feeds.